

Degrees and Certifications:


Kristen Noonan has been a teacher in the learning center for the past two years at Ida B. 威尔斯高中. She has been working in education for 15 years, 10 of which have been spent specifically in special education. Noonan attended Michigan State for college and got her degree in human resources. 大学毕业后, she didn’t know what she wanted to do, so she joined the Peace Corps, where she taught English to high school students. It was then that she discovered her love for teaching. “My mom was a teacher,努南说, “she was always saying you should be a teacher, you should be a teacher. And I’d say no way! One thing I’ve learned now is to always listen to your mom.” Noonan went back to college and got her degree in general education. After being a TA for a girl with downs syndrome, she discovered her love for special education and the importance of it. 工作之余, Kristen enjoys spending time with her 6 and 8-year-old sons by playing with legos and hanging out outside. Her favorite movie is the cutting edge. She loves reading, hiking, watching college football, and traveling. Noonan’s favorite thing about her job at IBW is her connection with the students and staff.

写的 埃尔希Rainka, Intro to Communications, Fall 2022