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  • Parent / Teacher Conference Toolkit

    For most linguistically diverse families, PTC may be the only time they interact with their student’s  educators. For some, this is a completely new experience and it can be an intimidating one.

    In 2019, we developed a tool kit to bridge the communications between schools, 老师, and linguistically and culturally diverse families during conferences. We updated our Parent/Teacher Conference Tool Kit: A Tool Kit to Serve and Empower Linguistically Diverse Families. It contains information, guidance, and resources to assist staff preparation for the conferences.  此外,它还包括:

    • An invitation letter for your Parent/Teacher Conferences - in six languages
    • A reminder note template - in six languages  
    • A thank you note - in six languages  
    • Tips for parents/guardians for a successful parent/teacher conference - in six languages  

    This tool kit includes an outline of staff expectations and best practices to conduct conferences in other languages for educators and parents, a list of  additional translated resources to aid educators communicate about conferences to linguistically diverse parents and materials to inform families about their right to language access. This tool kit can also be found on the PPS Site Admin Portal and will continue to be updated over time. 

    We look forward to supporting your teacher-parent conferences with our linguistically and culturally diverse community at PPS. 



    Head of the 语言查阅服务 Department


  • Parent / Teacher Conference Materials


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Tiếng Việt

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