• 开放线上博彩平台公司.


    开放的线上博彩平台, a community-based non-profit, was founded in 1971 and is one of Portland's oldest alternative school programs. 开放的线上博彩平台 East is accredited by Cognia and registered with the Oregon Department of Education as a private school.

    开放的线上博彩平台 leads programs based on:

    • EQUITY: Diverse and inclusive community for students and families to partner in their education journey
    • ADVOCACY: Strengths-based relationships between students and Advocates that empower students to use their own voice to advocate for themselves
    • ACADEMIC: Relevant and responsive programming that prepares students for graduation and their desired post-secondary path.

    开放的线上博彩平台 runs TWO educational programs:  

    • 开放的线上博彩平台 East - an identify-affirming high school in East Multnomah County that helps students catch up, graduate, and achieve their life goals. Currently accepting students in 9th through 12th grade.
    • Step Up – a relationship-based mentoring program that supports students through their high school journey at Roosevelt, 富兰克林, 麦迪逊高中. Currently accepting rising 9th 年级学生.

    As an identity-affirming high school, 开放的线上博彩平台 East offers:

    • Culturally-relevant curriculum
    • 信誉恢复
    • 小班授课
    • Daily Peer Groups led by carefully selected Mentor teacher (Advocate)
    • 多样化的员工
    • Restorative Justice practices
    • Social-Emotional Support and connection to resources


    To lead an educational community based on equity, advocacy, and academics. We support marginalized students on their journey to break limiting beliefs, learn to navigate and challenge systemic oppression, 建立他们的人生目标.



    • 评估
    • 专业技能发展
    • 个别辅导
    • 生活技能发展
    • 倡导/案例管理
    • Regular peer-support groups
    • Issue-focused组
    • 领导力发展
    • Post-secondary-education success


开放线上博彩平台公司. ——行政办公室
16570 SE Oak St 波特兰,OR 97233
(503) 488-5200
Executive Director, Kimberlee Pierce Sheng
16570 SE Oak St, Portland, OR 97203
(503) 488-5152
Principal of 开放的线上博彩平台 East, Nawwal Moustafa
16570 SE Oak St 波特兰,OR 97233
(503) 588-5200
Director of Step Up Program, ernie guerrero
5020 NE 马丁·路德·金 Blvd Portland, OR 97211
(503) 951-8069